Fresh Designs Crochet: Toys

A night in a treehouse photo by Wouter Beugelsdijk

The color story for Fresh Designs Crochet: Toys is "treehouse" - as with the other inspiration boards, the color story isn't necessarily the theme, but if it inspires you, go with it!

Toys aren't just for kids - take a look at the Blythe Blythe Blythe! Flickr group, for example. I've got a Pullip doll myself - and an iPhone, which is really just as much a toy as a tool. These are all toys that can be accessorized and customized - and I'd love to see submission proposals for accessories and companion pieces for toys. Clothes for a teddy bear? A teddy bear for a doll? a sleeve that makes an e-book reader look like a teddy bear?

One of the thoughts I've had about Blythe and Pullip dolls lately is that it would be really nice to have custom-made wig stands, hat stands, and dress forms. I've got a couple of ideas about how I could crochet one - how about you?

Fresh Designs Crochet call for submissions