Exclusively at YarnStory in Honolulu!
Read MoreTextiles and technology: Aloha Knitters at HNL MakerFaire
"It's old-school 3-D printing."
Read MoreOddball Grab Bag Destash Sale
I'm destashing - and that includes the small stuff, like leftovers that I keep meaning to use in "something" "someday." Listings will be added to this page up through this weekend; if you are on Ravelry you can take a look at the full skeins I'll be posting for sale here on my stash page.
Hawaiian Homegrown Wool Co.
Did you know? You can buy fleece, roving, and yarn grown and processed in Hawaii. You can buy directly from the farm at the
Hawaiian Homestead Farmers Market
on the first Saturday of the month, order online from
(home of the Hawaiian Homegrown Wool Co.) or buy ready-to-spin roving from
in Honolulu.